Water Hygiene Awareness

Thespianz took it's flying theatre (mobile theatre on a truck) to the Interior Sindh. Team Thespianz aimed to spread awareness about the hygiene of water and prevention of dirty water along it's effect to the human health. In June's hot summer, Thespianz went to the 7 districts of Interior Sindh and visited mostly remote and far flung areas of Interior Sindh. These names are very new for the people as these areas are far flung from the Interior Sindh where people event don't know that they should wash their hands after using restrooms. In such areas, awareness is necessary needed to wake them up and let them know about the pros and cons of healthy lifestyle. Campaign went wonderful from the aspect of awareness though Thespianz's 3 team members got badly ill even one one team member has been sent back to the Metropolitan City through ambulance due to the high sickness and worst effect of hot summer.